Biofield Tuning
Biofield Tuning has helped people all over the world to reduce tension and stress, and improve sleep, digestion, and resiliency. It is physics-based and utilizes coherent soundwaves outside your body to facilitate a change, rather than chemistry-based using pills or “particles” inside your body.
The biofield is a term used to describe the energy surrounding the body which is outside the visible spectrum but holds the blueprint of the physical body. You can learn more in the What is the Biofield section of this website. Tuning forks are frequency generators which produce a coherent output. When they are introduced to a person’s biofield, the tone, pitch and/or timber changes in response to the electromagnetic charge at the outer boundary. As the Earth has a magnetosphere and the sun has a heliosphere, so too does the human body have a charged, double plasma membrane approximately 5-6ft away.
If someone is tuning a guitar and someone else gives them an “in-tune” note, then they hear if they are sharp or flat and make adjustments then they repeat the process until they sound the same or are in resonance with each other. Similarly, when the tuning fork broadcasts what the body sounds like, the body hears itself and begins to “auto-tune.” For example, when the adrenals hear how chaotic they sound, they can adjust themselves to a more coherent expression. This technique is called an adrenal reset. When the adrenals are always firing then you are responding to your environment from a charged place. If they are still then you can respond more appropriately from your center. When your system is coherent it is easier to not be phased by the environment.
Sound is part of the electromagnetic spectrum. The tuning forks interact with the electric charge found dispersed throughout the field and can act like a magnet to move the electricity back into center. Just as trees gain their strength from the water flowing through its core, so too does the body gain strength when its full electrical potential is focused in the center. In Biofield Tuning, we see the body as a battery with a negative terminal below the feet which allows the body to ground and discharge but also recharge from the Earth. The positive terminal is above the head and helps to reduce pressure in the head or “let off steam” but also brings in the positive charge from the sun. Sometimes these terminals are tucked up between the ankles or close to the head, similar to a turtle retracting back into its shell when stressed. Tuning forks can be used to find the electric charge of these terminals and can magnetically draw them deeper into the Earth about 8-12 inches below the feet and the same above the top of the head. It is similar to stretching out a spring to make sure it makes a connection with the battery to draw power. This is part of the opening sequence of every Biofield Tuning session so the person has a connection to ground and pathways to recharge from the Earth and the Sun. This bi-directional flow of positive and negative charge through the midline of the body is a Birkeland current which produces the toroidal or doughnut shape of the biofield and defines the boundary of the biofield. This current is important for energy flow through our electromagnetic body on which the physical body draws its power.
Biofield Tuning is best known for helping to get “stuck” emotions or traumas out of the field and out of the body. Eileen McKusick, M.A. developed the Biofield Anatomy Hypothesis where she proposes that our memories are stored in the “cloud” around our bodies. Over the 25 years that she has been working with tuning forks, she found that the sound at the edge of the field often related to a person’s instincts and inherited patterns. The middle of the plasma membrane often held information relating to what the person’s mother felt emotionally while she was pregnant. If a mother was really depressed during pregnancy, the sound might have a lot of undertones or if she was really anxious and high strung the sound might go sharp and get high pitched. The inside edge of the plasma membrane broadcast sounds relating to a person’s birth. If a person had the cord wrapped around their neck or if they almost died during birth then the tone of the fork will change dramatically in this area. Moving in towards the body is then like a needle on a record or counting the rings on a tree. Traumatic events from early childhood would create charge toward the edge of the field with charge closer to the body relating to more recent events. Simply by noticing where there is turbulence or change in tone, Biofield Tuners can use the person’s age to calculate when this disturbance may have happened in their lifetime. For example, traumas associated with sadness, grief and loss are found off the left shoulder. If someone was 40 years old and their father died when they were 20, then we would find charge halfway through the biofield off the left shoulder. Traumas relating to guilt and shame can be found off the right hip, frustration and disappointment on the left hip, worrying about the future on the left side of the head and being stuck in the past on the right side of the head. Using the Biofield Anatomy map and finding these areas of charge in the field and bringing that energy back into the body can help restore power and improve energy levels. The less noise in the field, the less triggered you can become which is the best way to conserve energy.
We use several different tuning forks depending on what is needed during a tune up. We use weighted forks at frequencies of 54.81Hz and 62.64Hz. These frequencies are the 7th and 8th harmonic of the Schuman resonance (7.83Hz) which is produced by the sound of lightning strikes echoing in the ionosphere. Its nickname is the heartbeat of the planet and it is played on space shuttles to keep astronauts’ body rhythms in a healthy flow. These weighted forks do not produce audible sound but create vibrations which can melt muscle tension when applied to the physical body and break up areas of turbulence in the field as well. We have a new set of weighted forks based on the Fibonacci sequence and the golden ratio or phi. The 89Hz and 144Hz forks are the 11th and 12th position of this sequence. The golden ratio is found throughout nature from the spiral of a shell to the proportions of leaves on a tree. I suggest watching Donald Duck in Mathmagic Land from Disney to help you understand the importance of this ratio in music, architecture and nature. The unweighted forks which produce audible sound are the following Solfeggio frequencies: 174Hz, 417Hz and 528Hz. These are the forks that broadcast the sound of your field and allows you to hear changes throughout your timeline. When moving through the field it is like listening to the radio. You might find areas that sound like a sad song and other areas which sound like heavy metal. The higher frequency forks allow for more fine tuning.
There are contraindications for this work so please click here to learn more.
If you want to watch a great video explaining the overview and scientific basis of Biofield Tuning, I highly recommend you watch this video of its developer, Eileen McKusick, M.A.